كورس برنامج ساب بالانجليزي علي اليوتيب عباره عن 30 حلقه لاتقان الساب.الشرح علي نسخه Sap2000 V15
Sap2000 learning on youtube consist of 30 videos the explanation on Sap2000 V15
01 Introductory Tutorial (30:17)
02 Select Commands (6:49)
03 Draw Commands (9:29)
04 Mass and Modal Analysis (5:46)
05 P-Delta Analysis (10:17)
06 Nonprismatic Sections (6:22)
07 Interactive Database Editing (7:59)
08 Area Edge Constraints (3:13)
09 Tension-only Bracing (4:21)
10 Response Spectrum Analysis (5:31)
11 Modal Time History Analysis (14:04)
12 Section Designer (13:23)
13 Cardinal Points (9:51)
14 Displaying Tabular Data (9:14)
15 Creating Reports (11:18)
16 Cable Objects (18:40)
17 Tendons (10:33)
18 Gap Elements (17:46)
19 Nonlinear Staged Construction (7:48)
20 Nonlinear Shear Walls (29:49)
21 Static Pushover Analysis (10:40)
22 Power Spectral Density (12:50)
23 Wave Loading (5:24)
24 Model Alive (4:52)
25 Open Application Programming Interface (13:54)
26 CSiLoadOptimizer (10:36)
27 Buckling Factors and Modes (7:22)
28 Varying Mass in Seismic Analyses (17:13)
29 Fast Nonlinear Analysis (17:58)
30 Web Activated Licensing (13:58)
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